Database administration
Database is one of the key components of almost any system. Rare application doesn't have one in it. In our practice we worked a lot with commercial databases such as Oracle и MS SQL. Our specialists administer several hundred instances of databases from small to very large ones occupying terabytes and hundreds of gigabytes of disc space in RAM.
Often our users are unhappy with the speed at which applications retrieve data from the database. Of course, we are not able to spin the spindles in dozens of times, but our experience of solving different problems of optimization of databases and sql queries allows us to quickly identify bottlenecks and make recommendations for improving the performance of your database.
One of the common problems is the changing nature of the database work, when you change platforms. For example, if DBMS version, encoding, or an operating system is being changed, older requests are beginning to run differently, and the database which has previously worked fine, starts to "lag terribly". We will help you to perform cross-platform migration, to adapt the application (to optimize queries) and to ensure stable and uninterrupted work of your databases in any environments.
Some databases contain a huge amount of information, others very little, but in any case, the inability to get an access to it at the right time can have a very negative impact on the company. Outdated software versions and lack of support on older versions may cause such negative impact. To avoid this situation, we are ready to provide you with the tools for migration from legacy versions of Oracle 9 and 10 for new to minimize downtime and ensure the adaptation of your database and information systems.
We worked a lot with SAP systems and have gained a unique knowledge of the specifity of Oracle work for SAP.
We offer full support for your databases. Our main advantage is our monitoring system, which we are proud with. What does an administrator do, when he is told that system is not working? He starts to check the systems, then iterates over the individual components and finds a site that is not working. If he does it alone and "with his bare hands", so let's help him out — and find "the failed" component automatically. And do it before users, who are constantly checking each component, report a problem. For database monitoring we took the best that there is in the standard monitoring systems: identified several dozen of critical database parameters and included them in the database monitoring pattern. The second important part — visualization of "the failed" component, we check the number of components, and each one has many options. In the end, information system is a large graph depend on each other component. If you show them all, it is hard to find "the failed" node. So we decided not to show that part of the system that is working fine, but show all the dependency tree till the actually "failed" component.
There are many non-trivial tasks in our practice, which require solutions for specific databases, we also pay much attention to the use of new databases. What haven't we have to work with during this time! Therefore, our professionals have considerable experience with databases such as MySQL, SAPDB, PostgreSQL, PostgresqlXL, MariaDB, OrientDB, SQLite, Informix, SAP HANA, Hadoop.
We are waiting for your requests and are open for cooperation!